Wednesday, April 22, 2009

End of an Era

An era has ended. I have finished at HBOS after 21 months. First of all to help kick start the Competition Commission investigation into the sale of PPI which was supposed to last 3 weeks! Within a week, it got extended to six months.

At the end of 2007, HBOS asked me to stay on to help resuscitate a warehouse development project that got suspended by the PPI investigation. This warehouse was intended to enable reporting to be performed on the 3rd party insurance. This kept me busy when there did not appear to be much work around in the North West, and also meant I was available to help with further work on the PPI project.

During most of 2008, I was involved in a new warehouse project to create a warehouse for the 1st party insurance system. Whereas 3rd party had not been properly designed, the 1st party application was implemented by more structured methods.

This phase was delivered eventually during December 2008, allowing the warehouse team to think how they were to migrate to the new server platform running on a Netezza server, and then how they were to build the reporting systems on this warehouse.

The early part of 2009 was spent refining the existing 3rd party warehouse, cleaning up the base layer to allow the reporting functionality to be built on a robust base layer.